Friday, May 9, 2008

The time has come...

I joined LA Boxing this week. Don't ask me why. Guess I was just ready to kick it up a notch and the reality that I'm turning 30, "retired" from running, get bored working from home all day without human contact, or the fact that I was just dying to blow all of my "stimulate the economy"check... Whatever the reason... I'm committed.
I've taken 3 classes so far. I'm, by far, the least coordinated... the most out of shape... and obviously a newbie. Some girls took me under their wing... ur... glove... and assured me that they had to sit out the first few classes because they. thought. they. were. going. to die. And I believe 'em.
Here's what the owner of the gym boasts, "The equipment requirements are elementary: a bag, gloves, jump rope, timer and music. And you'll get a workout that doesn't miss a spot: a 1,000-calorie-an-hour cardio bomb and a superb all-body tuner that builds shoulders and forearms and works legs, hips, abs, upper back, triceps, biceps and lats. (Want to blast your delts? Try holding 16-ounce gloves at chin level for two rounds.)

Maybe I will look like her....

In my dreams.

My knuckles hurt.


Anonymous said...

GO MEL! I took a kick boxing class at Cal Poly. It was the best work out of my life and very addicting! I miss it so. Work it....

melanie, aka Mo said...

Hey, glad you came by to my blog... have we "met"? Love your blog... love anything kinda random. You never know what you are going to read. Kick/box/GOOOoooo! Melanie

Jacob said...

Sounds fun! Do you really get to wear pink boxing gloves? Go Mel!