Thursday, April 30, 2009

Off to see my crazy Louisiana family!

I took advantage of redeeming a frequent flyer award ticket and headed to Louisiana to spend time with some of my very favorite people, The Schexnayders and Momo Monkey. We met many years ago while Zoie was being treated for Neuroblastoma at St. Jude. Although Zoie was never, "my" patient, she somehow managed to steal my heart and I became very close to her parents, Chastity and Travis and her grandma, "Momo Monkey."

Zoie WON her battle with cancer in July of 2004 as she danced into Heaven as a "forever four" angel; free from cancer and the pain of this world.

Our first stop was dinner at The Waffle House for some grub. If you're going to experience the whole southern experience you can't be calorie conscious!

This is Mason Jude. He was miracle baby #2 to join the Schexnayder clan. He's two and bright, funny, and stubborn as ever.... much like his big sister!

I brought the boys an outfit and stuffed animal, both MONKEYS! Zoie named her grandma, "Momo Monkey," and now monkeys are ever present in their home. Mason calls them, "ooo ooo ah ah's!"

And this is miracle baby #3, Memphis James. He was the bonus baby that rounds out the family. He's four months old and seriously the calmest, non fussy, rolly polly, cuteness!

We have lots of togetherness bonding to do over the next four days and I can't wait!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A few of my Memphis Peeps!

Today after an exciting and productive Donor Appreciation Luncheon for work, I met up with, "My two Moms," Jill and Mary. We shared a meal at Houston's and caught up on the last several months of life. When I was a Child Life Specialist at St. Jude these women were the ones that I counted on to help me stop the insanity! They were my sounding board, my support, much like surrogate mothers.

I wish that we were better at staying in touch. But life gets busy and we forget to call. Thankfully, we always seem to be able to pick up where we left off. We can laugh about our never ending quest to lose weight and get in shape and they freely impart their wisdom to me about, "not settling," and making the most of my 30's. We all need people whose faces light up when we walk in the room.

Mary D. and I share the same birthday, just 20 years a part. And Jill, well, she rounds out our three muskateerism.

After dinner I stopped by to visit with an old friend and coworker, Clare. We worked as Child Life Specialists and now she is a mom to an adorable 2 year old son, Jack.

I FINALLY got to see my friend Dana and his wife, Flavia. I got the hint when I listened to Dana's voicemail message, "I guess that you are just too busy to see us" subtlety. They live in the cutest house in the Evergreen Historic District. I saw it when they first bought it, and were in the throws of a massive remodel. It looks awesome now and I'm very jealous of their renovating skills!

Yea for old friends and making the time to reconnect!

Eva, Penelope and my TTU peeps... I hope to see you next time. There's never enough time! Oh yeah... I do come to Memphis to work!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

24 hours with my sweetnesses

I get to be in Memphis this week for work. This also means that I get to spend some free time with my precious Goddaughters, Taylor and Brittnee! I saw them in January, but I swear they grow like wildflowers... and every time I see them I get a little sad that they aren't the same wee little ones that they were when they first came into my life! What beautiful and special young women they are becoming!

Their grandma chauffeured me from the airport to surprise the girls with dinner at Cafe Ole in Midtown. Sharing a meal with Peggy, Auntie Toria and the girls was wonderful!

Cafe Ole is Memphis' answer to "authentic," Mexican food. But a pork burrito with BBQ sauce and white cheese dip and chips isn't exactly Mexican food in my book!

The discussion at the table was very informative. Did you know that Little Kim from Dancing With The Stars, "has had a lot of surgery because she wants to be the first black barbie doll?" Or that Miley Cyrus is really a 25 year old woman pretending to be 16? You can learn a lot with these two!

My two little bell hops had their first taxi ride ever to my hotel. The patient driver answered their litany of questions. "Has anyone ever puked in you cab?" "What celebrities have you driven?" "Do you get lonely being on the streets at night?"

Little Sporty Spice in her new jogging suit, courtesy of my buddy Brittany. We love stylish hand me downs!

Today the girls took a dip in the pool. Me? Not so much.

I was very content to drink my sprite and cranberry juice and read my new book. This book is a must read for anyone seeking the, "real deal," of thyroid issues. All of the "random Melinda-isms" aren't really random at all. And now I know to BLAME IT ON THE THYROID! I'm hoping to reverse some of my annoying symptoms. But that's a whole other post for a different day!

Tommy (aka "Uncle Tom) picked us up and took us to lunch. BBQ! Imagine that! It was my first time at Cozy Corner. It was good, but not compared to The BBQ shop. Taylor announced that she's going to be a, "veterinarian," because she doesn't want to eat meat anymore. That was after she ate her spicy sausage dog.

Tommy and the girls.

We made a stop at Walgreen's to check out the nail polish selection. We ran into Taylor's twin, Ms. Halle! Don't you see resemblance?

We rode the trolley up and down Main Street and along the Mississippi River.

Oh, and yes... I did Taylor's hair today. I don't do her hair, "like her mommy," and she reminded me of the time that I attempted corn rows and she ended up with spiky braids that mirrored antennas sticking out of her scalp. You can't go wrong with pig tail buns, right?

Miss Brittnee, the teenager. We had a lot of laughs today!


A little later my friend and old coworker, Amanda met up with us. We've been trying to meet up and keep missing each other on my Memphis trips. She brought her adorable cuties, Arianna (2) and Nichole (1.) The big girls were in heaven each having one to hold and entertain. Funny though, little Taylor had Big Arianna and Big Brittnee had little Nichole. Arianna seems to have Taylor's spunk while Nichole is more, "chill," like Brittnee ~ so they were a good match!
We headed back on the trolley to Peabody Place.

Arianna didn't understand why she could only look at the water. She kept asking to go in the fountain!

Ice cream at Maggie Moos. As if these two needed any extra "boosts" of energy!

Next stop was the ducks at The Peabody Hotel. Brittnee and Taylor both asked if we could have a sleepover at that hotel. Excellent taste!

Brittnee got Nichole to smile! Britt's going to make a great Mother's Helper / Babysitter. She loves kids and they love her too!

We ended the day with a carriage ride through downtown. Our first carriage ride!

Amanda and the girls.

We were lucky that the rain held off!

All tuckered out...

What a great day! Quality time and many memories... blessings!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dana Lynne!

We celebrated my little sister Dana's 27th birthday today in La Qunita, California. Her in-laws rented a house and my parents, sister Janice and family and aunt and uncle had a birthday bbq. It was a gorgeous day and the family togetherness was great as it doesn't happen enough!

My sisters and their husbands ~ J. and Mark and Dee and Nick

Playing cards...

The Master bodacious BBQ-er, Mark. The man has skill!

My mom, Aunt Ginni and Uncle Howard (who asked if the picture would be on my blog!) and Dana's in-laws, John and Julie

My dad was there too, but was tending to his baby boy, Jake. The wonder dog showed off by diving to the bottom of the pool to retrieve golf balls.

Janice and me

Andrew ~ enjoying the pool. He, "willingly," came along today with the incentive of scoring some awesome clothes and shoes at the Cabazon Outlets. The boy went from never wanting to change his shirt to being a cologne wearing, designer jeans, fashion conscious teenager!!!!

Dana is a traitor! An OSU grad with a U of O cake? She's a duck my marriage, I guess. The cake was amazing ~ Baskin Robbins Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream Cake!

Happy Birthday, Deester!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday night fever....

Just another fun filled dance fest here with the 6 bundles of energy! My favorite part is when B. runs up to the camera and yells, "FREAK!" That's the 7 year old word of the week. And little B. is inhaling his funfetti cupcake... the previous activity that led to this needing to burn off some glucose overload!

I love this time of the night. Full bellies(tonight, courtesy of Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets), jammies, and shaking out whatever might not have escaped earlier in the evening. It's right before the "I'm not going to bed, I'm NOT tired, you are the meanest ever and we never do anything fun, " meltdown begins! Then it's the torture with brushing hair and teeth, wiping feet and faces and manipulation attempts are brought on with full force. Just think, by the time I have my own kidlettes, nothing will get past me! :O)

Two favorite overheard quotes tonight: "Stop copying me! I'm NOT in the mood!!!!" and, while being scolded for being in the neighbors garden "But, Lala, we're only digging in the salad looking for the ladybugs!" Weeds do look like salad!

These kids crack me up and I love them dearly!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So, today I decided to be Elvira no more.... and spent FIVE HOURS getting my hair, "fixed." It seemed like a good idea at the time to buy the do-it-yourself discount dye and color my hair. I may have left it on a little too long as it turned nearly black... I left it alone for a season and then couldn't take it anymore. My sweet neighbor, Michelle, is a hair stylist extraordinaire and signed on to work her magic on my locks.
And... I'm loving it! It's, "beachy," and fun and I no longer resemble a wanna be goth girl.


And... I finally bit the bullet and had my eyes checked. Result = near sightedness and a $300 pair of prescription glasses. YOWZERS! Who knew that they were so expensive? And that was for the "bargain" Raybans at Target. I will wear them and I will not lose them and am just grateful that my eyes have been faithful to me for 3 decades. Is this what aging is about? Hair dye and glasses??????