Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday night fever....

Just another fun filled dance fest here with the 6 bundles of energy! My favorite part is when B. runs up to the camera and yells, "FREAK!" That's the 7 year old word of the week. And little B. is inhaling his funfetti cupcake... the previous activity that led to this needing to burn off some glucose overload!

I love this time of the night. Full bellies(tonight, courtesy of Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets), jammies, and shaking out whatever might not have escaped earlier in the evening. It's right before the "I'm not going to bed, I'm NOT tired, you are the meanest ever and we never do anything fun, " meltdown begins! Then it's the torture with brushing hair and teeth, wiping feet and faces and manipulation attempts are brought on with full force. Just think, by the time I have my own kidlettes, nothing will get past me! :O)

Two favorite overheard quotes tonight: "Stop copying me! I'm NOT in the mood!!!!" and, while being scolded for being in the neighbors garden "But, Lala, we're only digging in the salad looking for the ladybugs!" Weeds do look like salad!

These kids crack me up and I love them dearly!

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