I met my friends Kathi and Terri in Santa Monica Friday afternoon. Kathi had a conference for work in Santa Monica and invited me to join her for dinner and yoga. Remember
my last yoga experience? I decided to give it another try, and this time not be in a 137 degree room! It was actually very relaxing and despite my non flexibility handicap I think I could regularly take yoga classes and benefit!
We ate dinner at the best Mexican restaurant. It's called
Border Grill and it's a hip, urban cantina with delicious food. I had plantain empanadas for the first time and they were super yummy!

Saturday morning I had an all day training for
Comfort Zone Camp. Comfort Zone Camp is the nation’s largest bereavement camp. Comfort Zone Camps are offered
free of charge to children ages 7-17 who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling or primary caregiver. I will be a first time counselor at a camp in Malibu, CA later this month.
I am very excited to be a part of this camp. I whole heartily agree with their philosophies and mission to help grieving children heal and think that it will be an incredible experience.

Sunday Carolyn and kids picked me up and we headed to Newport Beach to ride bikes at Crystal Cove.

I bought my bike a few months ago with the hopes that I can bike at the beach. I love that Carolyn has a 4 biker bike rack and loves to bike too!

Elizabeth's ready!

My new bike. It's a "pimped out" Schwinn 7 speed which is Beach Cruiser-ish. I added the basket and a grande cushy seat. Unfortunately I had a low tire so it made riding a bit of a challenge. But today was a good trial run for future beach bike rides!

We ate lunch at Ruby's in Newport.

And we couldn't stop laughing at this gentleman's home hemmed short jean shorts. I guess you had to be there... but we got a huge kick out of it!

Carolyn and I spent several hours on her laptop... I'm showing her the ropes of MS Office and at times it's like the blind leading the blind!
For dinner we made Haystacks. They are very big at Loma Linda University Medical Center, where Carolyn and I met and she still works. If you google Seventh Day Adventists and Haystacks you'll read about how popular they are! I think they are just upgraded junk food cuisine, but others might beg to differ.

And that's what she's talking about! Carolyn loves her some Haystacks!
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