Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch

To celebrate Easter and all of the Spring glory, my friend Z surprised me with a trip to The Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch. We talked about going last year, but missed our window of opportunity as it is open for 10 weeks March - May.

It was gorgeous! Acres and acres of the giant strain of Ranunculus known as Tecolote.

I just barely crossed the tape to capture this shot. And no flowers were harmed, I promise, in the taking of this photograph!

Notice how there are only a few yellow ones in a sea of red? I think they're the extra special ones.

Up close and personal.

Perfect rows.

And a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean, just beyond the windmill.

Me and Zee.

A good old fashion tractor ride...

"I want a John Deere tractor and a half an acre field..."

So if you're headed to Carlsbad or on to San Diego, stop by. They have a great picnic area and lots or room to roam and smell the flowers. There's a Sweet Pea Maze, Rose Gardens and a huge Poinsettia greenhouse. A flower lovers delight! (Oh, and the Carlsbad factory Outlets too... :O) )


pickledfairy said...

These pics are stunning. I could almost smell them!


melinda marie said...

Sheridan, It was stunning! Hard to believe that many parts of the country have snow on the ground... and it's 80 degrees and flowers are in full bloom!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

Hope you are well!
