Thank you to MckMama for her post on prayers. Very fitting for me today.
"God answers prayers. Just not always in the way or in the time frame we want. God answers prayers, but the outcome we hope for, and beseech God for, is not always the outcome God has in mind. God hears our prayers. But God still does what He, in His sovereignty, is going to do. He listens to our prayers, hears us each and every time we speak to Him, think to Him, or even groan to Him. God is affected by our prayers and He wants us to pray. But God is still God and our prayers do not change God or His mind, at least not in the way we sometimes think. He knew we were going to pray before we ever prayed. He knows the past, present and future all at once. He listens to our prayers, but our prayers don't change things. God changes things. "
I have a laminated paper on my bathroom mirror. It serves as a daily reminder. And if only I could BELIEVE, really BELIEVE.
"The Lord will work out His plans for my life."
~ Psalm 138:8
God's plan is:
Often bigger than my plan.
God's plan is:
Often more painful and harder than my plan.
God's plan is:
Always better.
"Trust God from the bottom of your heart. Don't try to figure out everything on your own."
~Proverbs 3:5
More on why pray? Here
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