Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A few of my Memphis Peeps!

Today after an exciting and productive Donor Appreciation Luncheon for work, I met up with, "My two Moms," Jill and Mary. We shared a meal at Houston's and caught up on the last several months of life. When I was a Child Life Specialist at St. Jude these women were the ones that I counted on to help me stop the insanity! They were my sounding board, my support, much like surrogate mothers.

I wish that we were better at staying in touch. But life gets busy and we forget to call. Thankfully, we always seem to be able to pick up where we left off. We can laugh about our never ending quest to lose weight and get in shape and they freely impart their wisdom to me about, "not settling," and making the most of my 30's. We all need people whose faces light up when we walk in the room.

Mary D. and I share the same birthday, just 20 years a part. And Jill, well, she rounds out our three muskateerism.

After dinner I stopped by to visit with an old friend and coworker, Clare. We worked as Child Life Specialists and now she is a mom to an adorable 2 year old son, Jack.

I FINALLY got to see my friend Dana and his wife, Flavia. I got the hint when I listened to Dana's voicemail message, "I guess that you are just too busy to see us" subtlety. They live in the cutest house in the Evergreen Historic District. I saw it when they first bought it, and were in the throws of a massive remodel. It looks awesome now and I'm very jealous of their renovating skills!

Yea for old friends and making the time to reconnect!

Eva, Penelope and my TTU peeps... I hope to see you next time. There's never enough time! Oh yeah... I do come to Memphis to work!

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