Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dizzy as ever but I survived...

HOT YOGA last night. I made it through the 90 minutes but I can't say that it was not torturous ~ because... it was a bit hellish. Okay, A LOT hellish. I was sweating before the class even began. This was most likely due to the fact that the room was 107 degrees and very, very humid (intentionally, that's why it is "HOT" yoga.) 20 or so people laid on blue mats in little clothing and a lot of tattoos in SILENCE.

The instructor (who weighs, maybe 100 pounds) greeted us and laid the ground rules of, "sit down if you need to, it's normal to feel dizzy and no drinking water for the first 15 minutes and then only in between poses." She then began issuing orders and calling out the poses. She would snap her fingers when it was time to begin and then again when it was time to switch.

To say I was uncoordinated is putting in mildly. How is one supposed to hold a pose when you are dripping in sweat and your foot keeps slipping off your thigh, your eyes are stinging from the perspiration pouring into them and you are so light headed and THIRSTY that you start seeing stars? There were many gifted yoga doers who seemed to breeze through the class doing all the breathing, poses and positions with ease... but thankfully there were others (mostly in the back row with me) who had to sit down for a bit and, "meditate." I did a lot of "meditating."

My favorite quote from the night was, "I know you may feel hungry. I know you may feel like you need to eat. But there is energy all around you. You don't need to eat for energy. You can go 30 days without food and be fine... as long as you have clean air to breathe." Um, no. I don't think so. Somehow I don't think that sustaining yourself on clean air only and not eating for a month would be advised for most people. I'm just saying.

I did sweat. A lot. And if doing yoga in a furnace doesn't rid your body of toxins, I'm not sure what will. I did get caught a time or two, "wiping my sweat," which is a no-no because it, "only pushes the toxins back in," and for sneaking water in between poses. I was not the class favorite.

I can't say that I'll be dashing for the closest Bikram Yoga studio when I get home, but I'd do it again if I was out of town and wanted to spice up my workout routine. Because you know, I am such a regular worker outer and all.

My work training consisted of another day of sitting, listening and eating and then eating some more. For variety they added a plethora of chocolate varieties for the afternoon snack. Hot breakfast buffet complete with biscuits, sausage and gravy, Mexican bar for lunch and nachos and chocolate in the pm. Gourmet Italian Restaurant with my boss and coworkers for dinner. This whole lose 30 pounds by the end of my 30th year is off to a great rip roaring start. Maybe I should take the yoga teacher's adive and remember, "you can survive on air alone."

Going back-back to Cali-Cali tomorrow.

Peace Out.

1 comment:

wesrow said...

You crack me up! I can't believe you can't wipe your sweat- that's crazy. Hope you are doing well :)