Notice his shirt, "cougar bait." This is new to my vocabulary. The urban dictionary defines it as: A gentleman usually 21 or older (19 and up in Canada) that is in a bar enjoying his alcoholic beverage of choice that is being hit on by a woman typically 35 and up that may or may not have a few kids and some extra baggage.
...She was strong enough to chase the, "happily ever after," and smart enough to know that, sometimes, stopping to enjoy the "happily right now" was pretty good too... Here you will find highlights of my life. My crazy little thing called life...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
A day with Tommy ~ The Peabody Rooftop
Notice his shirt, "cougar bait." This is new to my vocabulary. The urban dictionary defines it as: A gentleman usually 21 or older (19 and up in Canada) that is in a bar enjoying his alcoholic beverage of choice that is being hit on by a woman typically 35 and up that may or may not have a few kids and some extra baggage.
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