Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fun in Memphis with Taylor and Brittnee

After my work conference was over, I spent the day with my two sweetnesses and Goddaughters, Brittnee and Taylor. When I arrived, Taylor was, "hiding" in the dryer. Only Taylor!

We decided to break tradition of Build-A-Bear, The Disney Store and Ruby Tuesdays and tried something new. We hit Memphis' Incredible Pizza Company. It's a glorified Chuck E. Cheese (which I avoid at all cost) but way cooler. It has a buffet with pizza, southern food and a salad bar and all of the sugar one could need... and a huge game center with bumper cars, speed racing, arcade games, fair games and a giant bouncy house!

Here is the, "mandatory," group picture. The girls are getting so big! Taylor starts the 2nd grade and Brittnee will be in 7th this Fall. They are very smart cookies! Brittnee is very perceptive and wise beyond her years. Her vocabulary is very adult, she is a computer and electronics whiz and has the sweetest heart. Taylor is reading up a storm, will correct you when you get out of line and is hoping for a, "nice teacher," this year! She is full of energy and go-go-go... and knows every single word to all of the, "cool" music. I love these girls so much and am so thankful to get to watch them grow and learn and LIVE.

Getting Taylor to eat anything that's not her idea is a challenge. She only wanted olives and jumped up and down when she saw green AND black olives. I was able to get her to eat some applesauce and some cheese bread... sort of nutritious, huh?

Brittnee and I

Taylor reminds me of myself when I was younger. She always wants to strike a pose!

Brittnee is a good sport with Taylor...

Between the girls and I we, "won," over 8 hundred tickets!
Taylor would have been content to stay in the bouncy house the whole afternoon. At several points she was in there by herself, running around and literally bouncing off the walls!

They loved this percussion arcade came. Those two have some rhythm!

Here they are with their loot..

After all the fun and games... the girls kindly obliged and tagged along to Archivers, my favorite SCRAPBOOK STORE! I picked up some necessities... and we headed home for some downtime. HA! Taylor bounced around the living room singing and dancing and being a ROCKSTAR!
What fun! I can't wait to be a full-time mommy. Days like this are definitely practice!

1 comment:

Jacob said...

Those girls are getting so big! AND so cute, as always. Looks like you had a blast! Thanks, btw, for the very sweet card we got last week. It's always fun to get "real" mail! :)