Today, my family friend Krissy married Joe. They had a beautiful backyard wedding in Seal Beach. I have known Krissy my entire lives, as our dad's were good friends in High School.

Krissy's Dad, Pat officiated the wedding. He performed a very special and meaningful ceremony and wrote a beautiful prayer and blessing.

First kiss as husband and wife

Many friends and families gave speeches.

Beautiful Bride! Krissy wore her mother's wedding dress. Her parents have been married for over 45 years. Very special.

Here are my parents with Carla, Pat and Perry. They all went to Washington High School in Los Angeles, California. They graduated circa 1959 and have remained friends, all of these years.

Pat and my dad. They served on Student Council and played baseball together.

Grant ~ Cheers to Aunt Krissy and Uncle Joe!

His and Hers Converse

Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Krissy Leary

The Morettas and family

Jack, Amy, Dylan and Grant

The food was Italian and oh so yummy!

Dylan thought so too!

Amy and I

The cake was tasty too. It was my first experience eating a Vegan cake. :o)

Can't you tell that they're up to no good? The boys and Mark, my brother-in-law.

Alfa Jerk, played for a few dances. They are good friends of Krissy and Joe.

Congratulations, Krissy and Joe. Thank you for including me in your special day!
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