My sister Janice and I got to be the guests at The
Fight With Grace Mardi Gras Event courtesy of our good friend, Pattie. Both Pattie and our mom are breast cancer survivors, so it was extra special to get to attend an event which benefits the Orange County Memorial Breast Cancer Center.

The Silent auction featured awesome gift baskets of designer handbags.

Pattie, Janice and me

We all wore Mardi Gras masks and were given a plethora of beads and boas!

Janice bought a ton of raffle tickets and won TWO of the door prizes. One was this quilt. My mom and Pattie both made panels for this quilt. So it was MEANT to be won by Janice! Janice also won a basket with a jewelry gift certificate and gave it to me! WOOHOO!

A New Orleans yummy dessert!!!

The day ended with Vince Feragamo showing us his Dancing With The Stars worthy routine.
What a fun day. Thanks, Pattie for inviting us to be your guests!
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