Yesterday was the Community Picnic sponsored by Saddleback Church, Orange County Islamic Foundation and Islamic Center of Irvine at Heritage Park in Irvine. It was a fun day planned to build a bridge between Islam and Christianity by enjoying a day together. Our Muslims neighbors often feel ostracized due to guilt by association with radical militants. The truth is, Al Qaeda no more represents Islam that the Ku Klux Klan represented Christianity. Both were perversions.

The aim of the Inititiave is to, "dramatically increase access to quality healthcare in Western Rwanda by forming unique parternerships, thus promoting healthier lives, preserving families, protecting children, and building stronger communities." This will be accomplished by:
- Training local churches in primary health care
- Increasing the infrastructure of the community health system
- Increasing the capacity of existing health care providers
- Expanding the care delivery to include expert HIV services
- Linking the community health and hospital health care systems together
- Developing church-based health care solutions and delivery systems
I am prayerfully considering going on a P.E.A.C.E (Promote reconciliation Equip Leaders Assist the poor Care for the sick Educate the next generation) mission trip to Rwanda for 17 days this November / December. More to follow!
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