
reach 13,400 feet, just below Misery Hill.

After some rest (and a nice neck massage for the both of us... Hey! Riding in a car is hard on the body!) we headed to the Community Dinner and Awards Program.
Kathi's group ~ Abby, Wendy, Amy, Kathi an Marcella

This woman, a previous climber and breast cancer survivor from Japan came to cheer on this years climbers. She made 1,000 paper cranes to symbolize good health.
YOWZERS OUCHIE-OUCHIE! These are some blisters. Here's Exhibit A of why I'm not real excited about becoming a mountain climber. (I spared you a photo of Exhibit B. When they say, "leave nothing behind," that includes any human waste. Everything, and I do mean everything, is carried back down the mountain!
I took a detour to take in the headwaters of the Sacramento River.
The water comes right up from the ground. Out of nowhere.

I stayed up way past my bedtime reading Breast Cancer Fund's research and findings. Everything from
California Senate Votes to Ban Bisphenol A in Baby Food and Beverage Products to No More Toxic Tub and obsessed with the findings of The Falling Age of Puberty in U.S. Girls: What We Know, What We Need to Know. I read the entire report, and you should too! It's amazing (and shocking) information!
California Senate Votes to Ban Bisphenol A in Baby Food and Beverage Products to No More Toxic Tub and obsessed with the findings of The Falling Age of Puberty in U.S. Girls: What We Know, What We Need to Know. I read the entire report, and you should too! It's amazing (and shocking) information!
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