Sunday, August 24, 2008

Maroon Falls

This morning we slept in. I took an extra long bubble bath and read and prepared myself for my last day in this piece of God's country.
Maroon Falls is one of the most photographed parts of nature in the world... and it's no surprise why!

Melinda ~ the 29 year old. (5 more weeks 'til the big OH NO 3-0!)

These photos are not touched up. These colors are authentic. Hard to believe the water is rainbow colored. Amazing!

Thanks for a great long weekend, Aunt Susan!

Back home ~ flying into John Wayne.
Next week I have nephew duty. My sister and brother-in-law will be on a trip and I will be doing my best to hold the fort down. Two 14 year olds with daily doubles for football HELL week and their first day of high school... and a love sick 18 year old who has his first day of college. Thankfully Ziad has volunteered his culinary services to keep 3 growing young men fed. Yeah for chefs! Sure beats eggo waffles and the golden arches.

1 comment:

melanie, aka Mo said...

OH my gosh... your pictures look like postcards (of somewhere I want to go!). I suppose you are up late too... Mine includes a suckling who is not wanting to go back to sleep. She sleeps ALLLLllll day long, then wants to hang out and chill and look lovingly into my barely open eyes! Thanks for visiting my site. melanie