Our first stop was to the new Safeway in The Pearl District. I was quickly reminded that shopping with a toddler is a bit different than my solo shopping. I like to browse and meander... Lindsey is on a mission and goes in with a strategic plan, with a list and flings items into the cart with speed and precision. We, after all, needed to get home ASAP to put Dylan down for his afternoon siesta. (Another well oiled machine!)
Mark, Lindsey and I watched TV together every night after Dylan Darling was out down for the night. Is DVR not the greatest modern invention? Well, a close third to GPS and iPods! One night we were watching American Idol and laughing hysterical while watching Norman's display of talent. Dylan was hootin' and hollerin' from his crib! Lindsey went to settle him back down and we could hear him on the monitor saying, "Minda laugh... ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaa." It was this deep from the belly impersonation. We were rolling! We put towels under the door to muffle the noise and turned it down a notch or two!

Dylan is a kid after my own heart. He has to wear sunglasses when the sun is out.
At one point he was playing the, "let's throw the glasses on the floor and ask Melinda to pick them up game." After a round or two, Lindsey confiscated the glasses. He quickly perked up and said, "Sorry, Mommy. Glasses please???" How can you not give in?
How blessed am I to spend time with my 2 best friends???? Tirza and I have been friends for almost 20 years. We've grown up together. Well.... she's done a lot more growing up as she is a wife and mama!
Tirza fixed us a gourmet lunch... homemade vegetable soup and chicken salad and bread. Dessert was courtesy of a neighbor...
A puppy cake! I had the tail. It was ALL frosting... and... well... you know that's my favorite part of the cake! Who needs the cake when you can have the frosting?
Tirza home schools the girls. Annah is in Preschool and Mira is in First grade. They have a full classroom set up in their back room and are loving being taught by their Mom and Dad. They are also apart of a local Co-op and have many field trips, parties and play dates. That afternoon they were headed to a park with 30 of their closest friends! You can do a lot when you aren't a, "traditional student!"
Mira and Annah playing ~ their school calendar behind them...
And now Dylan joins in. I think they need a little brother! :O) They are both very patient and were so good about finding toys that Dylan would like. Very sweet.

Annah came downstairs in her Sunday best.
Tirza is very organized and a planner. This is her weekly food menu. Check out her blog. She is able to spend around $300 a month to feed a family of four. She makes almost everything from scratch and is a big coupon cutter! The girls love making their own snacks and get really creative with meals.
Mira is a very advanced reader. Dad and Mom had to set limits on how many chapter books she can read in one day. Or she would read ALL DAY! She starts and ends her day in bed reading and will read any chance that she gets.
Me and my girls. I seriously don't think I could survive without friends like them in my life! We are very blessed to have each other! I may behind in the "wife and mother" category... but am learning so much about marriage and parenting through them. They are so committed to their husbands and children and I admire the lives that they are creating.
Tirza Elizabeth and I
Saturday morning Lindsey and I had some, "Mel and Linds time." Mark offered to stay home with Dylan ~ and we buzzed around town sans stroller, sippy cups, and car seat!
Beautiful boy!
Wearing mama's clogs...
This is my purchase of the day. A Harajuku purse. I think it's pretty cute! I love anything Japanese and think the Harajuku mermaids are fun!!! I've been wanting one for awhile and finally settled on this one. Whatcha' think?
Saturday night was a wild and crazy one. Well.... modified by having a lil' one in tow, but still fun! We ate fish and chips and had a libation or two at Kells. It was a trip down memory lane as Lindsey and I spent a few "Thirsty Thursdays" college days at the Kells in downtown Corvallis.

Dylan got a lot of attention from patrons sitting next to us. He was in rare form and eating up all of the glances and laughs!
Gotta' love the hair...
3 babes and a baby! Lindsey's friend, Megan, joined us for dinner. Linds and Megan met at Art School. She's good people and I hope to meet up again soon...
The Thomas Family ~ Lindsey, Dylan Jackson and Mark
The group
Amigas para siempre...

We ate Sunday brunch at The Hub pizza at Hopworks Brewery in Portland. It's Dylan's favorite. When we pulled into the parking lot he started yelling, "Hub Pizza! Hub Pizza!" They have awesome organic pizza and beer and a play area that Dylan darted to.
The building boasts Green Culture... and "Lovett Deconstruction spent an entire month systematically demolishing the interior and recovering and organizing an amazing array of lumber and fixtures. The building is roughly 16,800 square feet resembling an overturned wooden ship." That's Oregon for ya'!
Crayons AND Pizza. Life is good.

Dylan and Daddy

Good-bye Portland peeps! Lindsey, Tirza, (and hopefully Annette, another college buddy) will reunite when we complete the Helvetia Half Marathon this June in Beaverton, Oregon!
"A friend loves at all times."
Proverbs 17:17
what a GREAT post! ( I know people in it!! :)
You know....Portland is ONLY about 1 hour away from little old me....next time!
Looks like you had a GREAT time!
(can't get Tirza's blog link to work)
looks like a fun time!
I fixed the links! At least I think I did....
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