Today was the 34th Annual
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show. It was a beautiful and sunny day (although threatened with rain showers) and the town came alive with dazzling quilts! Consider this quilt to be a tribute to all things quilty. I went a little crazy with shots of my favorites... but couldn't help myself. My mom is an incredible quilter/crafter/artist/sewer and I regrettably did not inherit her skill. BUT I am so fortunate to receive several of her works of arts and they are my most treasured heirlooms.

This one is by
Valori Wells and I LOVE the bright colors and the design of the fabrics. She has the cutest fabrics and is an amazing artist. Check her out!!!!

Stitchin' Post and their employee featured quilts.

I'm in love with this folksy felt quilt. The quilter is
Sue Spargo and her folk art is unique ~ I think that this one would be really cute in a nursery with aqua walls. What do you think?

Mother / daughter bonding. (And dad came along too!)

Mom's making a mad dash to the, "teacher tent." The quilt show teachers had featured quilts and they were pretty sweet!

I heart Sue Spargo! My mom has me collecting wool clothing while on my Thrift Store explorations!

Sorry, I can't help it! Had to include this one too!

What a fun quilt! A great way to use your scraps and make a masterpiece. (Sounds like I actually know what I'm talking about... I can talk the talk but DON'T walk the walk...)

I like this Paris photo quilt. The photos are scanned onto fabrics. I bought my mom a bunch of fabric in Rwanda. Hint, hint...

I hear that stars are a nightmare to quilt... but isn't this one awesome too?

Folk art

My parents and I escaped Sisters and headed up to
The Lodge at Suttle Lake. We ate a fantabulous lunch at The Boathouse.

My family spent several summers with a permanent camp site at Suttle Lake. Jet skiing, sunning and boating on our ancient
Green Machine ski boat. I learned who to slalom (sp?) ski and enjoyed the carefree days of summer minus electricity! I miss those days!

Amanda, a friend from my Oregon State Days met me at the Quilt Show. Her and her husband were recently married in Playa del Carmen, Mexico and I got to see some of her amazing photos! Hurry up and post the rest, Amanda! Amanda's pretty crafty herself. She bought a cool skirt pattern and is going to whip out a skirt or too. I'm super jealous! I actually brought my "clothes to be mended" pile to my mom (packed it in my suitcase!) so that she could fix them!

The Snevas came over for dinner. Bella and I had some bonding time while making a (from a box) lemon cake. It looked so easy at the time... I promised I greased the pans before baking... but... one would never know!

Despite it's crumble-li-ness... it was delectable and there wasn't a trace of it left! :) Bella decorated the top of it. Creative, eh? A yellow smiley face!
And that concludes my weekend in Sisters. Tomorrow we'll head to Portland via Mt. Hood. Fun times to be at my future sister-in-law Sonia's Bridal Shower.
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