Thursday, July 2, 2009

Stage mom wannabe

I have a confession to make. Deep down inside I know that I have the potential to be one of those crazed "my child is the best and I will make sure that she is a star" moms. My little sister is four years younger than me. One year she had a ballet party themed birthday party and some older girls came to teach the party guests a routine. My mom had to remove me and tell me to, "stop trying to orchestrate everything." (I know, a shocker!) I'll have to fight it if I... no when I... am a mama. I love to watch dance, and little ballerinas steal my heart!

Today Bailey and Brittany had their end of the year dance recitals. They both take classes at The Ballet Conservatory and are pretty talented, if I do say so myself! :O) Bailey had a matinee and Brittany's was in the evening... so I got a double dose of dance!

Miss sassy diva Bailey is the third one from the left...


From sassy to classy...

On the end...


Workin' it!

Ballerina Britt

My cousins, Lauren and Carly came to watch Bai and Britt. We now refer to Carly and Brandon as, "the twins..." they really are pretty inseparable.

Cute kid!

"Dancing is like dreaming with your feet!"

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