Saturday, August 15, 2009

Everett (aka Bob the Builder...)

Everett Michael is my oldest childhood friend Tina's energizer bunny toddler. He's two, a new big brother, obsessed with tools and doing whatever his dad does. While visiting the Central Coast I spent a night at Everett's house.

I took the cutest photos of him Friday afternoon. Adorable. And... my camera was on the "demo mode" and missing the memory card. So... sigh... the precious moments I thought on film are gone. And can't be retrieved. Lesson learned! Thankfully I caught some cute shots while Everett and his dad worked on the planters in the front yard.

Ev's all ready to get down to business. He's got his work boots on and just returned from getting the necessary soil for the planters.

First, he stomps on the D.G. (which I learned stands for decomposed granite) for the walkway.

And he's off... with his shovel in tow!

He's ready for dad to show him how to hammer in the stakes.

Careful observation

And now some mallet action!

And now we're ready for the soil...

Lastly, add water (On "Evie pressure") Now the planters are all ready for passion fruit. (Everett's request.)

Taking a re hydration break...

...and ready to get back to work!

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