Meet Paige. She is my second cousin and is a phenomenal dancer. She dances competitively both with a studio and with her High School's dance team at
Santa Margarita Catholic High School.

Today I got to see her and her team in action at a competition at the high school next door to my home. I really love to live vicariously through good dancers, as well as their moms. My mom has always said that I'm destined to be a stage mom. Not the pushy nightmare pageant types... but more of the watch every practice, get a second job to pay for lessons, photograph every show type.

This is a dancer from another school, but she was in at least a dozen dances (translation: mucho bucks!) and is pretty talented. When I was younger I used to try and try to do the hold the leg in the air thing... but... let's just say that I have
other gifts. (Which don't involve being uber flexible or able to do any acrobatics whatsoever. Not even a cartwheel.)

I managed to snap a few pics of Paige in action with my crappy point and shoot camera. The rest I stole from the team photographer. Next week, when I'm on vacation in Cabo, I'm going to get to learn from
Bob Adams, a professional who I hear is a great (and patient, thank the Lord) teacher! WOOHOO!

Paige is the beautiful tall gal on the far left.

Beautiful! Um, and this move? Can't do this one either. But I wish that I could. I've got flexible girl envy. (Oh! and skinny high school girl envy too... )

Paige and her friend Katherine.

Trophies! A step above the rest!

I'm hoping to get to be a fly on the wall at Paige's national dance competition in Orlando, Florida this March. I'll be there for the Disney Princess Half Marathon. YAY!
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