My favorite older sister, Janice scored tickets for The
Alicia Keys Concert and invited Brittnee and I to tag along with her and my nephew Andrew!

Brittnee knows just about every single Alicia Keys song by heart AND is the biggest LAKERS fan. So going to see Alicia Keys in the STAPLES CENTER was just about the highlight of her fourteen years on earth. If only you could have seen the way she grinned from ear to ear for the entire evening!

With Andrew and Brittnee

I just realized that she's sticking her tongue out. Not sure what that's about.

We ate dinner at Wolfgang Puck's restaurant. It was super fancy. Thankfully French Fries and a burger was on the menu to cater to Brittnee and Andrew's simple palate.

When we were walking to the concert we saw this sign... a benefit for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital! Is it odd, or is it God!??? How cool is that!

We got to see the paparazzis in action. Way fun!

Not by MY influence, but Brittnee is a HUGE Kobe B. fan.

Standing next to the Grammy Awards poster. Notice the shoes? And, yes, she walked all funky to avoid the "creases." I lost it a time or two and threatened to throw them away and make her walk barefoot! Am I a mean Godmother or what???

I told you she was happy!

My too cool for school Justin Bieber look a like nephew actually posed for a photo. That NEVER happens! (He did make me promise to email me the photos so that he can upload them to his Facebook page. And do you think that I get to be his "facebook friend?" Um NEGATIVE!)

Andrew goes to take his drivers license test tomorrow. GOOD LUCK, ANDREW!


My amazing and generous sister, Janice. Thanks to her we had such an amazing and unforgettable night!
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