Apparently I have selective memory when it comes to the excitement that comes when you are 14 and you score the pair of shoes that you've been wanting "for-ev-er." I found some Nike Airforce 1 Shoes at The Nike Store and Brittnee
HAD to have them. She begged. She pleaded. And I gave in. Only thing is she
refuses to walk normal in them. She's so afraid of a "getting a crease" in them that she walks with straight legs. There have been many threats of me
throwing them away if she won't walk normally. She still walks with her "I'm so not getting creases in my shoes" gait. I give up.

Here they are in all of their glory. Nice and shiny and pretty. And without a crease.

We met my cousin, Megan for lunch and a yummy burger join in Orange. Megan is expecting her first baby, a girl, this August. Hughie babies galore!

And here is Britt in her chill pose at Red Robin. Whatcha' think about her new glasses? Another thing that she
HAD to have!
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