Thursday, March 4, 2010

So long Louisiana!

Ride 'em Memphis!

I said good-bye to my Crazy Louisiana Family over dinner at The Shed. It was a fun atmosphere and I enjoyed trying my old standby... Pulled pork AND a little banana pudding too.

My Shelby is good to go now that he has a secret remedy tummy tum tum elixir on board.

Mason is diggin' his BBQ!

And Memphis approves of his cuisine as well.

We rode the bull for some good measure (Lovin' the Easter bunny ears).

Mason was the champion and could have stayed on him all night!

And we can't forget Miss Angel Zoie Marie. I had memories of this sweet girl constantly and around every corner. In the eyes of her baby brother, one of Momo Monkey's antics that would have made her roll of her eyes, a song on the radio that she would have sang LOUD and PROUD (think, Alan Jackson) eating some of your favorite foods... the list goes on and on. Hard to believe that Zoie WON her battle against that nasty cancer and danced into heaven over FIVE years ago. If only I could just give her one more squeeze to hear her yell, "CHELINDA" and then run with her gimpy limp and demand all of my attention. Being with her family makes all of the sweet times that much more vivid. And for that, I am so grateful.

See ya next time, Louisiana!


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