Monday, August 16, 2010

Beach with my buds...

I had a wonderful day at the beach with The Carter Family.  

Our first stop was The Cottage ~ my favorite breakfast stop in South Orange County.  We had a yummy breakfast and then strolled around Laguna Beach for a bit.

Penny Jane loved her sweet potatoes.

And Sawyer thought the pancakes were pretty good too!

Our next stop was the Rainbow Flip Flop Factory in San Clemente.  I may have a small compulsion to buy flip flops that I don't need... but I live in Southern California and wear them year round, so aren't my impulse buys somewhat justified? :)

We signed the giant flip flop and then headed to the beach.

We parked near the train station and headed to the sand.  It was empty!  The joys of going to the beach on a Monday!

Tysha and sweet Penny Jane.

Tysha is a professional photographer and is super talented.  You can check out her work at

She snapped some photos of her favorite guys and I chilled with Aspen nearby.

Sawyer loved the rocks, but wasn't too sure about the water.

I hope that you had fun in the sun today.  Save travels, back to Seattle!

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