Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Saturday in Sisters

I woke up to this beautiful smile.  Dana wakes me up (I sleep in the Anne Frank room - a small room off of my mom's closet in my parents bathroom!) when Elle wakes up for her feeding in the early morning.  I get the first shift and don't mind it one bit!!

Nana Oregon made Elle this monkey.  I think it's a great way to measure how fast Elle is growing!!

Dana's friend Anna has a baby boy, RJ who is a few weeks younger than Dana.  Anna and Dana met in the third grade and now are having babies at the same time.  FUN!  Anna and her family teach in Russia, but came home for the summer to have RJ.

Holding hands

I think Elle looks a lot like her daddy, Nick.  I call her Little Nicky.

Elle is a really good eater.  The only time I hear her cry is when she is hungry and you're not making her bottle fast enough!

Loving this time with my family.

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