My birthday dinner was at Ichibira's Japanese Restaurant in Monarch Beach / Dana Point. The Excellent Eleven joined in to celebrate with me!

This is Kathi. She's a brainiac Neonatal Nurse Practitioner who I met while I was a Child Life Speciailist at Loma Linda University Children's Hospital. We immediately clicked and are double trouble when together. I blame her for my boy crazy "phase." Would you believe that she drove cross country in my VW bug to help me move into my apartment in Memphis? Now that's a true friend!
Meet Carolyn. She's my marathon running, perinatal health specialist who I also met at LLUCH when she worked in the playroom. Our paths crossed a couple of years ago when I moved back to California. She's responsible for my dabbling in running (which I have since retired from) and for retail therapy. We've commiserated over dating debacles and have learned to laugh in the midst of it all! I can always count on Carolyn. She's the one I can call at 4AM and that's saying a lot.

Oh Lindsey. Lindsey, Lindsey, Lindsey. We met as college freshman. We lived in the same dorm and struck up a conversation in the laundry room. If I remember correctly she taught me the fine art of using the correct water temperature. And the rest is history. We pledged the same sorority (Tri Delta), I dated her brother, (thought I'd add that little detail), graduated together and experienced the good, the bad and the ugly by each others side. She lives in Portland now and is a doting mother and wife and I love her very much!

Our Mexican Teppan chef. He made my fillet Mignon and shrimp perfectly and if we weren't all gabbing so much we might have appreciated his skillful demonstrations!

My homeys ~ My sister Janice and cousin Michele. I have 2 cute pics of us but my laptop isn't cooperating, so they have to share this one. :o)
Janice is the best big sister. She's always looked out for me and gently imparts words of wisdom. I can be an open book with her and know that she will have the perfect answer to whatever is ailing me. I'm told that Janice, being the older sister to two brothers, prayed and prayed for a baby sister. I was born shortly after her 11 birthday. She asked my mom, "How come you can pray and pray for something and then when you finally get it you don't want
her anymore?" I think I've grown on her since that dreadful day. She is now one of my closest friends and I am lucky to live so close to her.
Michele is my cousin. Our dads are brothers and we love sharing, "Hughie-isms" together. She lives 2 miles from me and graciously shares her family with me. Michele is a tell-it-like-it-is, wacky, fun and independent diva. She is a wise one and I appreciate her perspective on the ways of the world, particularly matters of the heart. Her little, "coconut heads," (as they refer to themselves) are my 4 and 6 year old sweetnesses.

Carolyn and Heidi chatted the night away. I now I think I may just have to
share Carolyn with Heidi and Heidi with Carolyn. I hate it when that happens.
HEIDI! Who loves ya' baby? God knew what He was doing when He brough Heidi into my life. We are two peas in a pod, dos amigas... partners in crime. Whether it's running through spider webs while doing race training runs, heading to El Pollo Loco for a 2 piece meal, raiding the MAC counter or staying on the phone for h-o-u-r-s... I'd be lost without my sweet Heidi!

Linds and Kath. They could tell a story or two about their MMH

I may have had some Sapporo and Saki tonight

Lisa, Me and Heather
Lisa ~ I met Lisa through Heather. She has two a-dor-a-ble kids and is a no nonsense Italian funny girl. I may have been on a date or two with her brother. (Yes, that makes 2 brothers of friends...) We usually see each other being graced with at least 6 rambunctious children, but I think we may just have to institute girls night out very soon.
Heather. I'm jealous because she shares her initials with Hello Kitty. Heather is my surrogate big sister. That is, if she wants to claim me. I've latched on to her family and serve as a childcare technician / magazine stealing / dinner moocher. I adore her 4 children who affectionately call me, "Lala". Heather can make me laugh, in an instant, and is a breath of fresh air. I love tag teaming with her to corral her four munchkins and sharing their ongoing antics.

Amy. I had another picture of us together. But my sweet photographer, Lindsey, failed to mention that my posey pose looked x rated.
I have known Amy my entire life. Isn't she beau-ti-ful? Our parents are best friends from high school. She is a fun-loving, sweet, loyal friend. I'll use any excuse to randomly stop by her house to hang for a bit. She is the mother to two munchkins and wins the, "mother of the year," award for her patience and commitment to them. We've been known to do a little scrapbooking here and there and venture to South Coast Plaza to shop ~ but not nearly as often as we should.

The girls L to R ~ Carolyn, Me, Olivia, Lisa, Amy, Michele, Janice, Heather, Lindsey and Kathi. This is a throw back to my sorority days. What fun!

Me and my girls. Missed you Tirza, Dana, Megan and Tina!

After dinner we headed to my sister Janice's house for the after party! We ate ate cake and opened presents. Janice had her place decorated with flowers, balloons, candles and decorations. She has the gift of creativity and hospitality and is a wonderful host. Martha Stewart's got nothing on her. Nada.

The ice cream station, complete with all the fixin's
I may have dropped one or two (or six hundred and seven) hints that I think the Little Blue Box Tiffany cakes are pretty swell.

So imagine how stoaked I was to see this waiting for me?

You're pretty cool, Z! Major points for you...

Hello Kitty and Blue Boxes? Fugettaboutit! That's what I'm talkin' about!

And sunflowers ~ my favorite

And now Hello Kitty will grace my bathroom, courtesy of Heather

Janice put together several best sellers from her
Women of Faith conference. The theme was, "giving wisdom." A thoughtful gift. And I can't wait to read them all.

And this little fella' hung out on Janice's patio and was quite the cause for concern. I love Fall and find spiders and their webs fascinating... just as long as they stay OUTSIDE.
God is so good! I thank Him with blessing me with a multitude of good friends. They are my sweet angels who never cease to amaze me. I am so grateful for their love and support and for sharing the joys and pains of this life. "A friend loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17