My friend Olivia came to California from Eugene, Oregon for the weekend. What a pal! She also is hosting my 30th tomorrow night. What a gal! We met over 18 years ago at Sisters Middle School. Since then we have traveled the world together... twice! Now you know that you get along well with somebody and think that they are pretty cool if you are willing to spend 24-7 with them for days on end!
Olivia and I went to Disneyland today ~ what could be more fitting than, "happiest place on earth?" We had a wonderful day ~ the weather was great (almost too hot!) and both parks were not crowded ~ at all! Most rides had a minimum line which is unheard of. Guess Friday afternoons are the time to go!

I haven't had a Minnie hat since I was a little girl. There's something magical that happens when they are perched on your head

The parks are all decked out for Halloween

Cinderella's Castle

The Haunted Mansion

The giant pumpkin

"O" is for O-l-i-v-i-a! (Or "Orribeeuh" if you speak Japanese)

Going on the Tower of Terror was my big courageous act of today. I'll never ride an elevator the same way again....

Paradise Pier

1 more day 'til the big 3-0

In front of Thunder Mountain

California Screamin' ~ I can't remember the last time I was on a roller coaster... and now I remember why! If you're going to ride one, I recommend this one... pretty cool-i-o
The wait for this ride? 5 minutes! Unheard of!

Ziad picked up Olivia and I (he lives near Disney) and took us to Golden Nights, a Lebanese restaurant in Buena Park. We were grateful to get out of the sun for a bit and not have to eat the "park food." You can only have so many frozen lemondaes, churros, kennel corn and frozen bananas, you know.

Olivia loves Mediterranean food... and Ziad taught her some tricks of the trade

A little of this and a little of that. I can't pronounce most of it... babaganoush, tabouli, hummus and ?

Back to Disneyland for Pirates of the Caribbean, Splash Mountain, and Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo was our longest line, but not the typical 3 hours! It's one of my favorite Disney movies

Princess Ariel

and Tinkerbell

We skipped the fireworks and headed to In-Out-for some grub. Not that we were hungry, but I've got to give Olivia the California experience! She kept texting on her cell phone... and was acting sooooo tired. We decided to head home. And it's a good thing that we did. Guess who was waiting for me when we got home?

LINDSEY!!!!!!! My dearest friend from college who is an integral part of my peeps, my God squad, my sould sisters! Olivia and Ziad are rascals! Lindsey decided t surprise me and fly down for the weekend. Ziad picked her up from the airport and they hung out while Olivia and I were out. I heard a knock at the door and yelled, "come in!" Lindsey was greeted with a bloody murder scream! I couldn't believe that she was at by front door! What a surprise.
To Olivia and Lindsey! Y0u rock, and I feel loved!
Can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
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