Click Rwanda Orphan Care Initiative to learn more about orpaned Rwandans
Click Rwanda Health Care to learn more about bringing HOPE to Rwanda
My dear friends and family,
Doors have opened for me to take a Global Missions trip to Rwanda and I am eager to go! I will be serving with a P.E.A.C.E. (Promote reconciliation, Equip servant leaders, Assist the poor, Care for the sick and Educate the next generation) team from Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA. The team plans to take part in fighting global giants including spiritual emptiness,
lack of leadership, poverty, disease and lack of education.
My role will focus on volunteering my time in a rural Kibuye District Hospital as part of the Western Rwanda HIV / AIDS Healthcare Initiative. I will also spend time serving children in an orphanage, many who have been orphaned due to HIV / AIDS.
Here are a few facts about Rwanda:
• Between 800,000 and 1 million people were killed in Rwanda in 1994 over the course of 100 days. Hutu civilians killed minority Tutsi’s and moderate Hutus over long-standing ethnic and economic tension
• Rwanda is about the size of Maryland. It is the most densely populated country in Africa and is landlocked with few natural resources and minimal industry
• Population: 8.4 million; 25% of the total population is between 15 – 24 yrs old
• Rwanda is one of the top 10 countries in Africa most severely affected by HIV /AIDS
• There are about 200,000 people living with HIV / AIDS and treatment is only available to 18.9%
• There are only 200 doctors and 3,000 nurses to serve the 8.4 million people of Rwanda (Or 42,000 people for each Physician and 2,800 per nurse)
• There are over 800,000 orphans in Rwanda. About 210,000 have been orphaned to HIV / AIDS
I am writing to ask you to please consider partnering with me for this trip. I am in need of your prayers and support. The cost of my portion of the trip is $3,800 with the largest part going to pay for airfare. I have been saving money by working a second job on nights and weekends but still need to raise substantial funds. I would appreciate any financial support that you are able to give. All donations are tax deductible. Whether or not you are able to provide financial assistance, I ask that you please keep the team in your thoughts and prayers. The trip will be from November 29 – December 14th with many training sessions in the interim.
If you decide to partner financially, please place your check made payable to Saddleback Church in the enclosed stamped envelope, and drop it in the mail to me at your earliest convenience. Airfare will be purchased in mid October. Any amount is greatly appreciated and I thank you for your kindness.
I look forward to sharing my experiences with you. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Melinda Marie