Leah and I stuck together through my Senior Year. We shared many ice cream cones, baked a cake or two, walked around campus, had photo shoots, finger nail painting, and just lots of quality girl time. Leah and I were paired for four years.
My little sister Dana came on to the OSU scene as a Freshman the year after I graduated. She assumed the new role as Leah's Big Sis as I moved to California and started my career.
Rewind. In High School my best girl Tirza and I served on the Executive Council for The Kids Making Miracles High School Campaign for Doernbecher Children's Hospital, in Portland, Oregon. In college I decided to choose a career as a Child Life Specialist where I could work with kids with cancer, similar to the ones I had met and was inspired by at Doernbecher.
Are you following?
Anyway, Dana and Leah carried on. One day I got a phone call from Dana saying that Leah was in the Hospital at Doernbecher. I called the Hospital and spoke to Leah. She explained, matter of factly, that she had been diagnosed with Leukemia. My little buddy had cancer and was being treated at the Hospital that I had been so involved with several years ago.
Today, I get an email from my sister Dana. She works for Nike at World Headquarters and was passing on that Nike partnered with patients from Doernbecher and the kids designed shoes for a new line, with proceeds benefiting the Hospital.
I did a google search on Leah. The mention of Doernbecher made me think of her. Guess what pops up? An article, featuring Leah as one of the 5 designers chosen!
Here's the article,: "LEAH HEILMAN-POLLACK, 9th Grader, CREATIVE DESIGNERHometown: Corvallis, Ore.Prognosis: In remission
Leah Heilman-Pollack loves to play music so much she was invited to attend the annual Rock N’ Roll Camp for Girls in Portland, Ore., where she played electric guitar. When she’s not playing music, she enjoys instant messaging her friends to keep in touch.
Designing a shoe for Nike wasn’t the first time she displayed her talents.
“I make a lot of collages. I think I’d be a good interior decorator or clothing or graphic arts designer.”
Leah is also a risk taker. On a five-week trip to Australia sponsored by the Make a Wish Foundation, she snorkeled, scuba dived and bungee jumped.
“It was exhilarating … yet scary.”
That’s nothing compared to the battle she faced with not one, but two cancers. Leah was diagnosed at age 11 with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She completed 2-1/2 years of rigorous treatment, then a few months later it was discovered that she had myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). The cancer team at Doernbecher helped her fight the battle against cancer, but it was a 26-yr-old stranger from the other side of the United States who saved her life. Thanks to the stranger’s donation of stem cells, Leah’s cancer is in remission.
Leah’s mom adds that what got her daughter through this struggle was her determination to live and the ability to do what she had to do each and every day, no matter what.
Leah’s shoe features white hibiscus flowers on a royal blue background. After basking in the sun and exploring the underwater gardens of a coral island in the Great Barrier Reef, Leah fell in love with the tropics. Her design calls to mind the tropical paradise she visited. Plus, Leah notes, hibiscus flowers are always in style.
Originally, Leah drew the flower free-hand, based on a design she saw in a teen magazine, then Marcus Tayui and his team polished the edges. What does she think of the process and result?
“I really liked Marcus…he was very nice and easy-going. I think my shoe gives off a free-spirited, fun vibe, but is still functional.”
Leah loves to sing and listens to fast-paced music, and her favorite sports are swimming and tennis. She designed a high-energy shoe that matches her personality…a shoe that is made for feet that need to move.
Leah thinks it will be very cool to be walking around and seeing her shoe on other people’s feet. "
How's that for a small world!?
Leah, if you're reading this... email me! I'd love to hear from you!!!!!!
1 comment:
Wow. Quite a story.
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