I met Angel's Mom and Dad when I was a Child Life Specialist at Loma Linda University Children's Hospital. Sarah was a Child Life Assistant and Nick was an ICU nurse. They were a young (age 24) newly married couple who had a heart for children and adopted a patient they grew close to who was medically fragile.
blog featuring Angel, explains, "Nick and Sarah brought Angel home at age 3 as a very medically fragile child. They gave him 2 years prognosis. He was born weighing 1lb 7oz and they took out most of his small intestines. Because of this, he has been dependent on IV nutrition (called TPN) since birth. There are two things that have threatened his life in the last 5 years: 1) A line infection resulting in sepsis in the Central Line placed in his heart to infuse the TPN and 2) Liver failure as a result of the liver doing the job never intended of assimilating all the nutrients from the blood stream. After 5 wonderful years of doing better than anyone imagine and having a "normal" life his liver began to decline steadily. He was placed on a liver, bowel, and pancreas transplant list. He was listed 7/7/08 and received organs on 7/20/08. This type of transplant is very precarious and has the lowest success rate of most transplants. But Angel is a superhero and already doing better than anyone expected or has seen in most cases. "

Although the road is long and will undoubtedly involve turns that no one can anticipate, Angel’s family remains incredibly optimistic. Despite the extraordinarily difficult and painful life Angel has experienced in his short eight-and-a-half years, Sarah reports that he has never – not once, ever! – been in so much as a bad mood. That’s simply not who Angel is. They have incredible faith in Angel himself, who is nothing short of a walking miracle every single day. And they have incredible faith in a God who they know has a plan, and who will guide them every step of the way.

Please join me in making a donation to Team Angel! You can make a secure donation
here . All donations are made securely using PayPal and will be deposited directly into an account that has been specifically created to assist Angel’s family with the cost of housing, gas, food, and other bills accrued during Angel’s transplant and long recovery
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