Here is what she wrote in her journal:
Jaime here! I am home! It has been a very full day with some ups and downs emotionally as I have transitioned from hospital to home. I am so full of joy to be out of the confines of the hospital and comfortably back at home. It has been a bit surreal. I felt like as they were wheeling me out to the car that any minute they were going to turn the wheelchair around and say, “Just kidding, we are taking you back to your room now.” The car ride was uncomfortable on my head and neck as I was faced with holding my head up in the car. I have been walking and sitting up in bed and chairs for days but the car was another story. I never realized how much the head and neck adjusts to bumps and turns in the road.
It has been 4 weeks since the night on Saturday, Oct. 11th that Josh and I went to the ER with a few neurological symptoms and got my first head CT results. I would never have known when I left my house that night that I would not be home until today, Friday, Nov. 7th.
I cannot tell you what an encouragement this CaringBridge site has been to me. My family members and friends have been reading me the journal posts and guest book entries from all of you. I have looked forward to hearing your stories, prayers, and encouragement. I have been overwhelmed by the number of people and how far stretched across the world people have prayed to our precious Jesus on my behalf. I really cannot thank you enough!
Coming home is wonderful but it does come with a new set of challenges. The doctor said that the last 20% of recovery will probably take a few months. Now at home I get to focus on starting the outpatient physical therapy, and doctors for my ear and voice box. Please continue to pray for me because although today was a great day, I still feel like I have quite a bit of recovery ahead before I feel like “myself” again. I can’t wait to spend time with Josh and my sweet baby Cole in our home. Endless thanks for your prayers, and I know God has heard every one of them.
Thank you for your continued prayers for Jaime's total healing. And please pray for her family and caregivers as they devote themselves to Jaime's recovery!
1 comment:
So glad that the prayers for her were answered!God IS good!
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