Here are a few photos to hold you over until I can get my postings up. I was going to spend this afternoon uploading and journaling... but... instead I ate ice cream and brownies, took a nap and went to the movies. What else do families do on Christmas afternoon?

These kids live up in the hills in Byumba. The girls in the blue dresses are wearing their school uniforms.

The kids LOVED having their pictures taken. For some it was their first time being photographed and they couldn't get enough of seeing themselves on the digital camera screens.

The one in the front is Yvonne. She was super social and a quick learner. I taught her the hand jive and school yard clap-clap routines. She taught me some Kinyarwandan and I shared the English essentials.

My mom wants me to go back and adopt the second girl on the left. Aren't her eyes gorgeous? The kids were crack ups and I loved playing with them and watching them be carefree kids, depsite the circumstances they live in. Many are orphaned, have parents living with HIV / AIDS and illness and the majority are severely below the poverty line, living on less than $1.00 a day.

The women all carry their babies on their backs. When a baby is 8 days old they are old enough to earn back priveleges. The women all have excellent posture and carry many pounds of bananas, water... I tried it and it is not an easy task!

Hanging out in Byumba

This little guy (yes he is wearing a skirt!) was one of the few children I saw with longer hair. The majority have shaved heads. This is for convenience, hygeine and is a requirement for all children attending school.

I had to bring on the busted knuckles. The kids giggled and before we knew if they were all doing it to each other. It is customary for all Rwandans to greet each other and visitors by extending their hands to shake. I may have created a social faux paus by teaching them to, "pound it!"

More to follow. I took over 1200 photos... so I'll narrow them down and get them up here. Hopefully soon.
Happy BIRTHDAY, Jesus!
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