...She was strong enough to chase the, "happily ever after," and smart enough to know that, sometimes, stopping to enjoy the "happily right now" was pretty good too... Here you will find highlights of my life. My crazy little thing called life...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Off to see my crazy Louisiana family!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A few of my Memphis Peeps!
Today after an exciting and productive Donor Appreciation Luncheon for work, I met up with, "My two Moms," Jill and Mary. We shared a meal at Houston's and caught up on the last several months of life. When I was a Child Life Specialist at St. Jude these women were the ones that I counted on to help me stop the insanity! They were my sounding board, my support, much like surrogate mothers.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
24 hours with my sweetnesses
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Happy Birthday, Dana Lynne!
My dad was there too, but was tending to his baby boy, Jake. The wonder dog showed off by diving to the bottom of the pool to retrieve golf balls.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Saturday night fever....
I love this time of the night. Full bellies(tonight, courtesy of Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets), jammies, and shaking out whatever might not have escaped earlier in the evening. It's right before the "I'm not going to bed, I'm NOT tired, you are the meanest ever and we never do anything fun, " meltdown begins! Then it's the torture with brushing hair and teeth, wiping feet and faces and manipulation attempts are brought on with full force. Just think, by the time I have my own kidlettes, nothing will get past me! :O)
Two favorite overheard quotes tonight: "Stop copying me! I'm NOT in the mood!!!!" and, while being scolded for being in the neighbors garden "But, Lala, we're only digging in the salad looking for the ladybugs!" Weeds do look like salad!
These kids crack me up and I love them dearly!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
And... I finally bit the bullet and had my eyes checked. Result = near sightedness and a $300 pair of prescription glasses. YOWZERS! Who knew that they were so expensive? And that was for the "bargain" Raybans at Target. I will wear them and I will not lose them and am just grateful that my eyes have been faithful to me for 3 decades. Is this what aging is about? Hair dye and glasses??????