1.) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2.) Five minutes If she is getting dressed, this means a half and hour. Five minutes is only five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3.) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
4.) Go ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't do it!
5.) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)
6.) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7.) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome' ... that will bring on a 'whatever').
8) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying screw YOU!
9.) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.
...She was strong enough to chase the, "happily ever after," and smart enough to know that, sometimes, stopping to enjoy the "happily right now" was pretty good too... Here you will find highlights of my life. My crazy little thing called life...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Four Seasons with Z and a trip to The Huntington Gardens

Today marks experiencing the four seasons together. And although we know that we really love and care about each other... we've decided to remain in each other's lives as friends. So there you have it... it's on the table and we can move on with the great pics of today!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Kick Boxing
I have this love hate relationship with my kick boxing class. I had all of the right intentions when I joined. I wanted to look like the fit, tone, spunky instructors. The gym manager schmoozed me and made all sorts of promises about how kickboxing will get me in the best shape of my life and that it is a great stress reliever and is, "a ton of fun." Nevermind the gruelling, sweaty, high impact work out. I am woman. I've trained for a few half marathons (and not very well, I might add) so how bad can it be?
Then came the drill sergeant instructors who issue commands and combinations all the while not actually doing them themselves. I don't want to have to think when I'm at the gym. Give me good repetitive cardio and I'm happy.
I pretty much hate it. All of it. But problem is I shelled out a lot of cash for a year membership and darn it, I'm gonna get my money's worth even if I have to suffer. Suffer in silence. Because I cannot get my money back. I've tried. And failed.
I hate that the owners of the gym seem to be opposed to running the air conditioner. I'm thinking they think that opening the windows and leaving the doors ajar is sufficient. I'm here to tell you. IT IS NOT. The fans are useless and cram in 15 sweaty bodies kicking and punching bags and a dozen or so crazies on the mats doing mixed martial arts (and let me tell you, I don't particularly enjoy watching men pretzeled on top of each other trying to get out of holds...).
I hate that when the sweat runs down my face and starts to burn my eyes, I can't wipe it off because I am handicapped by the massive gloves on my hands.
I hate that my "upper body dimensions" make it next to impossible to participate in the jostling of jumping jacks and the "jump to the sky and then hit the floor" exercises.
I hate that my "lower body dimensions" make it rather difficult to do the mountain climber and pushup combos with much pizazz. (And I REALLY HATE the view I have of my saddle bags that I am forced to look at while performing the torture.
I hate that my classmate is this ginormous man with a sumo wrestler tummy and tattoos about fighting and pain on his forearms and shins (no joke) hits his bag with such force that it keeps slamming into me. He, of course, can't hear me ask him to, "scootch over just a teensy bit please," because he is busy compromising his hearing with his own blaring music piped in through ear phones. Which I don't quite understand because the music in the gym is so loud, you can't possibly hear your own music. Who does he think he is Michael Phelps?
Which brings me to my next point...
I HATE the music. Tonight's play list included some song about, "Do it to me baby fast and then slow," and "You're a womanizer..." and something about shooting and killing and the pop-pop-pop of 'da gun. What's so wrong about a little, C and C Music Company, "Gonna' make you sweat!"
I hate the little cliques of chicks with their augmentations and enhancements and designer workout garb. They come to class in full make up. I'm talking full face. And I don't get it. Don't they sweat it all off? Just who are they trying to impress? Tonight I inadvertently "stole" Missy girls bag and she said, "You must not have seen my (hot) pink gloves and towel." Hence me having to stand next to sumo fatty tonight.
So why do I do it?
I LOVE the way I feel when I MAKE it through a class. I'm famished and thirsty and sweaty and invigorated. So that will keep me coming back. But you're crazy if you think I'll be renewing my membership. I think not. Give me a nice jaunt over the river and through the woods in solitude. That's more my speed!
Then came the drill sergeant instructors who issue commands and combinations all the while not actually doing them themselves. I don't want to have to think when I'm at the gym. Give me good repetitive cardio and I'm happy.
I pretty much hate it. All of it. But problem is I shelled out a lot of cash for a year membership and darn it, I'm gonna get my money's worth even if I have to suffer. Suffer in silence. Because I cannot get my money back. I've tried. And failed.
I hate that the owners of the gym seem to be opposed to running the air conditioner. I'm thinking they think that opening the windows and leaving the doors ajar is sufficient. I'm here to tell you. IT IS NOT. The fans are useless and cram in 15 sweaty bodies kicking and punching bags and a dozen or so crazies on the mats doing mixed martial arts (and let me tell you, I don't particularly enjoy watching men pretzeled on top of each other trying to get out of holds...).
I hate that when the sweat runs down my face and starts to burn my eyes, I can't wipe it off because I am handicapped by the massive gloves on my hands.
I hate that my "upper body dimensions" make it next to impossible to participate in the jostling of jumping jacks and the "jump to the sky and then hit the floor" exercises.
I hate that my "lower body dimensions" make it rather difficult to do the mountain climber and pushup combos with much pizazz. (And I REALLY HATE the view I have of my saddle bags that I am forced to look at while performing the torture.
I hate that my classmate is this ginormous man with a sumo wrestler tummy and tattoos about fighting and pain on his forearms and shins (no joke) hits his bag with such force that it keeps slamming into me. He, of course, can't hear me ask him to, "scootch over just a teensy bit please," because he is busy compromising his hearing with his own blaring music piped in through ear phones. Which I don't quite understand because the music in the gym is so loud, you can't possibly hear your own music. Who does he think he is Michael Phelps?
Which brings me to my next point...
I HATE the music. Tonight's play list included some song about, "Do it to me baby fast and then slow," and "You're a womanizer..." and something about shooting and killing and the pop-pop-pop of 'da gun. What's so wrong about a little, C and C Music Company, "Gonna' make you sweat!"
I hate the little cliques of chicks with their augmentations and enhancements and designer workout garb. They come to class in full make up. I'm talking full face. And I don't get it. Don't they sweat it all off? Just who are they trying to impress? Tonight I inadvertently "stole" Missy girls bag and she said, "You must not have seen my (hot) pink gloves and towel." Hence me having to stand next to sumo fatty tonight.
So why do I do it?
I LOVE the way I feel when I MAKE it through a class. I'm famished and thirsty and sweaty and invigorated. So that will keep me coming back. But you're crazy if you think I'll be renewing my membership. I think not. Give me a nice jaunt over the river and through the woods in solitude. That's more my speed!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Baby dolls and Bailey

Monday, October 27, 2008
Brittany's Birthday Bash

HaPpY bIrThDaY bRiTtAnY! Hope that you had a fun day today! Thank you for letting me tag along!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
From Rwanda to Mary Janes.
A full and productive Saturday ~ a rarity these days. I usually spend Saturday's sleeping in, lounging around and doing odds and ends around my house. I may do dinner and a movie or if I'm feeling really wild and crazy, go to Barnes and Noble and peruse books while drinking my chai tea latte. But typically a Saturday night includes a bath, book or blockbuster and a blanket and that is fine by me!
Today started out with meeting with my team for my Rwanda peace trip mission group. We learned the top 40 words and phrases in Kinyarwandan. I can say, "Muraho. Nitwa Melinda. Bite?" Which means, Hello! I'm Melinda. How's it going?" We discussed the differences between relief and development and reviewed our teaching on Malaria, Parasites, Nutrition and Healthy Families. I heard some disturbing facts. Did you know that the average walk to see a doctor is 8 hours? 50 - 60 % of all the patients are being treated for preventable disease (ie. Malaria, Dysentery, Diarrhea). These are acquired due to the lack of knowledge of basic hand washing, lack of water purification, and unsanitary living conditions. Babies are dying at an alarming rate because mothers are unaware of re hydrating their children. This is unacceptable and so sad. The PEACE plan is training the trainers to go into homes and teach the skills needed to stay healthy and improve life. It will trickle down and those who receive services become trainers and so and so and so on. I have no idea what to expect and pray that God will use me to best help the people of Rwanda. My trip is in 1 month!
Next, I received a call that my nephew, Andrew was injured at his Frosh. football game and was headed to the Emergency Room. I met Andrew and my sister and brother-in-law to "oversee the operations." You know, I am so all knowing... my formal training from ER, Greys Anatomy and HOUSE qualifies me to ask all of the right questions. Turns out he has a broken wrist. This makes broken bone #6 and more contributions to Dr. Morris' (His orthopedic doc) kids college fund. Guess he'll be retiring from early this season. I told him that he didn't have to break a bone to take a break from football!
Tonight I finished my latest Jodi Picoult book, My Sisters Keeper. I loved it. And can't wait to start my next Jodi novel. I'm hooked. Who knew I'd ever be such a bookworm?

Today started out with meeting with my team for my Rwanda peace trip mission group. We learned the top 40 words and phrases in Kinyarwandan. I can say, "Muraho. Nitwa Melinda. Bite?" Which means, Hello! I'm Melinda. How's it going?" We discussed the differences between relief and development and reviewed our teaching on Malaria, Parasites, Nutrition and Healthy Families. I heard some disturbing facts. Did you know that the average walk to see a doctor is 8 hours? 50 - 60 % of all the patients are being treated for preventable disease (ie. Malaria, Dysentery, Diarrhea). These are acquired due to the lack of knowledge of basic hand washing, lack of water purification, and unsanitary living conditions. Babies are dying at an alarming rate because mothers are unaware of re hydrating their children. This is unacceptable and so sad. The PEACE plan is training the trainers to go into homes and teach the skills needed to stay healthy and improve life. It will trickle down and those who receive services become trainers and so and so and so on. I have no idea what to expect and pray that God will use me to best help the people of Rwanda. My trip is in 1 month!
Next, I received a call that my nephew, Andrew was injured at his Frosh. football game and was headed to the Emergency Room. I met Andrew and my sister and brother-in-law to "oversee the operations." You know, I am so all knowing... my formal training from ER, Greys Anatomy and HOUSE qualifies me to ask all of the right questions. Turns out he has a broken wrist. This makes broken bone #6 and more contributions to Dr. Morris' (His orthopedic doc) kids college fund. Guess he'll be retiring from early this season. I told him that he didn't have to break a bone to take a break from football!
Tonight I finished my latest Jodi Picoult book, My Sisters Keeper. I loved it. And can't wait to start my next Jodi novel. I'm hooked. Who knew I'd ever be such a bookworm?

Tomorrow I will chaperon a dozen girls on a birthday party adventure to Downtown Disney. I know, I know, 2 weekends in a row for kids parties... the thought has crossed my mind a time or two. Today I went shoe shopping at the mall. I subconsciously wandered over to the kids shoes and was drooling over the sweetest tiniest tiny Mary Janes. When will it be my turn? Soon enough. Until then I'll enjoy my freedom and the choice to spend an entire Saturday calling all the shots... I can be busy or do nothing at all. And someday every minute will be occupied by kiddos who need their mama. I long for that. Someday...
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